

export interface ListDeploymentsProps {
     * Name of the deployment.
     * @example docs
    app?: string;
     * Gets the deployment created after this Date timestamp. (default: current time)
     * @example 1612948664566
     * @deprecated
    from?: number;
     * Maximum number of deployments to list from a request.
     * @example 10
    limit?: number;
     * Filter deployments from the given `projectId`.
     * @example QmXGTs7mvAMMC7WW5ebrM33qKG32QK3h4vmQMjmY
    projectId?: string;
     * Filter deployments based on their rollback candidacy
    rollbackCandidate?: boolean;
     * Get Deployments created after this JavaScript timestamp.
     * @example 1540095775941
    since?: number;
     * Filter deployments based on their state (`BUILDING`, `ERROR`, `INITIALIZING`, `QUEUED`, `READY`, `CANCELED`)
    state?: DeploymentState[];
     * Filter deployments based on the environment.
     * @example production
    target?: 'production' | 'preview';
     * The Team identifier or slug to perform the request on behalf of.
    teamId?: string;
     * Gets the deployment created before this Date timestamp. (default: current time)
     * @example 1612948664566
     * @deprecated
    to?: number;
     * Get Deployments created before this JavaScript timestamp.
     * @example 1540095775951
    until?: number;
     * Filter out deployments based on users who have created the deployment.
    users?: string[];
