

export interface UserEvent {
     * The unique identifier of the Event.
    id: string;
     * The human-readable text of the Event.
    text: string;
     * A list of "entities" within the event `text`.
     * Useful for enhancing the displayed text with
     * additional styling and links.
    entities: {
         * The type of entity.
        type: UserEventEntityType;
         * The index of where the entity begins within the `text` (inclusive).
        start: number;
         * The index of where the entity ends within the `text` (non-inclusive).
        end: number;
     * Timestamp (in milliseconds) of when the event was generated.
    createdAt: number;
     * Metadata for the User who generated the event.
    user?: {
        avatar: string;
        email: string;
        slug?: string;
        uid: string;
        username: string;
     * The unique identifier of the User who generated the event.
    userId: string;